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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Erdmann, Kurt, "Venezia e il tappeto orientale." In Venezia e l'Oriente fra tardo Medioevo e Rinascimento. Edited by Pertusi, Agostino. 529-545. Venice: Sansoni, 1966.
Series: Civiltà europea e civiltà veneziana: aspetti e problemi, 4
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
2. Erdmann, Kurt. "Kairener Teppiche, Teil 1: Europäische und Islamische Quellen des 15.-18. Jahrhunderts." Ars Islamica 5, (1938): 179-206.
Subjects: Arts
3. Erdmann, Kurt. "Kairener Teppiche, Teil II: Mamlūken- und Osmanenteppiche." Ars Islamica 7, 1 (1940): 55-81.
Subjects: Arts
4. Erdmann, Kurt. "Neuere Untersuchungen zur Frage der Kairener Teppiche." Ars Orientalis 4, (1961): 65-105.
Notes: Review see Sourdel-Thomine.
Subjects: Arts
5. Erdmann, Kurt, Der orientalische Knüpfteppich: Versuch einer Darstellung seiner Geschichte. 78 pp., 179 pls.. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth, 1955.
Notes: Review see Grube.
Subjects: Arts
6. Erdmann, Kurt, Arabische Schriftzeichen als Ornamente in der abendländischen Kunst des Mittelalters. 465-513. Wiesbaden: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz in Kommission bei Franz Steiner Verlag, 1953.
Series: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, 9
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
7. Erdmann, Kurt, Oriental Carpets: An Essay on Their History. Translated by Ellis, Charles Grant. 80 pp., 140 pls.. New York: Universe Books, and London: A. Zwemmer, 1962.
Notes: Second edition. First edition published by the same publishers in 1960. Reprinted at Fishguard by Crosby Press in 1976. Translation of Der orientalische Knüpfteppich: Versuch einer Darstellung seiner Geschichte.
Subjects: Arts
8. Erdmann, Kurt. Review of A Handbook of Mohammedan Art, by M. S. Dimand. Der Islam 30, (1952): 127-128.
Subjects: Arts
9. Erdmann, Kurt. Review of Ambrosian Fragments of an Illuminated Manuscript Containing the Zoology of al-Ğāḥiẓ, by Oscar Löfgren. Der Islam 29, (1950): 84-85.
Subjects: Arts
10. Erdmann, Kurt. Review of Islamic Metalworkers and Their Works, by L. A. Mayer. Der Islam 37, (1961): 295-296.
Subjects: Arts
11. Erdmann, Kurt. Review of Islamic Woodcarvers and Their Works, by L. A. Mayer. Der Islam 35, (1960): 227-229.
Subjects: Arts
12. Erdmann, Kurt. Review of Cairene Rugs and Others Technically Related, 15th Century-17th Century, by Ernst Kühnel and Louisa Bellinger. Oriens 12, (1959): 225-231.
Subjects: Arts



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